The water-related funding strategies in the Liptako-Gourma region: The challenges of cooperation between humanitarian aid, development and peace

The prioritization of water in the international agenda of response to the security crisis in Sahel is a major challenge for organizations and experts in the fields of peace, development, humanitarian aid and security. This study on the water-related budget-commitments aims at providing an overview of the financial commitments in the field of water and its productive uses. This assessment of funding strategies helps to initiate a dialogue on the responses to the security crisis structured around the three challenges: 1) The recognition of the role of local actors. 2) The strengthening of endogenous institutions in the region. 3) The mechanisms of coordination and funding of the actors of development and humanitarian aid. New forms of cooperation in the field of water are to be developed for a lasting resolution of crises in Sahel
This study has been produced along a dialogue on water as a vector of peace conducted with leaders and local actors in the Liptako-Gourma region. The opinions expressed by these counterparts have been integrated into the reflexions contained in this study. You will find the report on the round table with leaders and local actors of the Liptako-Gourma following this link.