Policy briefing – Introducing the Global alliance to spare water from armed conflicts


- Impact
As a support to this event, the Geneva Observer published an article entilted "An Appeal to Stop the Weaponization of Water" co-signed by Prof Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Professor of International Law, University of Geneva and Chair “Avenir commun durable,” Collège de France in 2022-2023, Prof Ximena Fuentes, former Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Chile, and Professor of International Law, University of Chile, Danilo Türk, former President of Slovenia and President of the Club de Madrid and Prof Mark Zeitoun, Director General of the Geneva Water Hub and Professor of Water Diplomacy at the Geneva Graduate Institute.
You can access this article below.
The event was also supported by a blog post on "EJIL: Talk!" entitled "How does the classification of armed conflict impact the protection of freshwater in Gaza?" co-signed by Dr Mara Tignino and Dr Tadesse Kebebew from the Geneva Water Hub.
You can access this blog post below.
This open session is organized within the closed workshop “Global Alliance to Spare Water from Armed Conflicts” that will take place in Geneva on the 22 and 23 November. The session will highlight the key findings of the workshop to a broader audience, introduce the launch of the Alliance, and emphasize the Alliance’s overarching objective: the protection of civilians during armed conflicts through safeguarding freshwater, water-related infrastructure, and other indispensable services. To that end, the Alliance champions a comprehensive spectrum of policy and practical measures. The Alliance also strengthens the protection of individuals involved in the maintenance and repair of water services, particularly in areas affected by armed conflicts, economic sanctions, or situations of violence caused by criminal groups.
To participate in person, please register HERE.
To participate online, please register at HERE.
Please find below the agenda of the session as well as the concept note of the Global Alliance to Spare Water from Armed Conflicts Workshop.
16:15 –16:30 – The importance of the Alliance to spare water from armed conflict and situations of violence, Professor Mark Zeitoun, Director General, Geneva Water Hub (online) and Ms Monica Ramos, Global WASH Coordinator, UNICEF
16:30 –17:15 - Presentation of the key findings of the Workshop to the public.
- Wim Zwijnenburg, Humanitarian Disarmament Project Leader, PAX
- Dr Caroline Pellaton, Operations Director, Geneva Water Hub.
- Dr Mara Tignino, Lead Legal Specialist, Geneva Water Hub and Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law and Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva
17:15 –17:30 – Concluding remarks
- Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Republic of Slovenia
- Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Confederation
Moderator: Professor Marco Pertile, School of Law and School of International Studies, University of Trento.
17:30-18:30 – Cocktail
Should you have any questions, please contact Jana Urh-Lesjak (Jana.Urh-Lesjak[at]gov.si) or Dr Mara Tignino (mara.tignino[at]unige.ch) directly.
The call for an Alliance to spare water from armed conflicts is available below.
The flyer of the event is available below.
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