
Left, right and centre - Policy note - Power-sensitive multilateralism for water, peace and security

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Following is the first piece of our water research insight series, “Left, right and centre”. The new series will bring together a wide range of ontological and epistemological perspectives that explain the politics and governance in transboundary waters. The writing series is part of the “Research and Education” function of the Geneva Water Hub, University of Geneva.

Following is the first piece of our water research insight series, “Left, right and centre”. The new series will bring together a wide range of ontological and epistemological perspectives that explain the politics and governance in transboundary waters. The writing series is part of the “Research and Education” function of the Geneva Water Hub, University of Geneva.

After the Second World War, multilateralism emerged as a forward-thinking strategy for maintaining peace and security (Acharya, 1997). Apart from trade, political and security issues, multilateralism also found its feet in bringing states together to govern natural resources, including the transboundary watercourses and groundwater aquifers. In the current complex multipolar world order, multilateralism is needed more than ever to counter the existing and future water conflicts. Countries must engage in water dialogues and organise international water deliberations to showcase their innovations and deliberation processes on water diplomacy.

Télécharger le document ci-dessous.
