2024 World Water Day - Water for peace - Water as a catalyst for cooperative climate action and peace
On the occasion of the 2024 World Water Day, the Permanent Mission of Slovenia, World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Geneva Water Hub have the honour to invite you to the panel discussion "Water as a catalyst for cooperative climate action and peace".

March, 22nd 2024
- March, 22nd 2024
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Salle Obasi (access map)
Avenue De La Paix 7bis
Avenue De La Paix 7bis
Opening remarks will be delivered by:
- Prof. Celeste Saulo, Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization
- Mr Bruce Gordon, UN-Water Vice-Chair
- H.E. Anita Pipan, Permanent Representative of Slovenia in Geneva
The event will highlight the risks and opportunities that climate change brings for peaceful and cooperative management of water resources from local to national and transboundary levels, as well as possible pathways to mitigate those risks and take advantage of the opportunities. The aim is also to celebrate World Water Day in Geneva and raise attention to the importance of water in the context of climate change and beyond.
You are invited to save the date, and confirm your presence by writing to mnunez[at]genevawaterhub.org.