"A Matter of Survival"

The Geneva Water Hub, as Secretariat of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace, is proud to present “A Matter of Survival”, the final recommendation Report of the Panel. The Report was officially launched and presented to the public in Geneva on 14 September 2017. The recommendations were also presented in New York City on 18 September 2017, during a Working Ministerial Dinner entitled "Water cooperation as a tool for conflict prevention". Speakers included H.E. Mr Miroslav Lajčák, President of the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (read his address) and H.E. Mr Didier Burkhalter, Federal Councillor, Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (read his address).
"The High-Level Panel on Water and Peace has concluded that the global water challenge is not only about development and human rights but it is also about peace and security. Therefore, it needs to be addressed urgently in an integrated and comprehensive way at all levels, ranging from the United Nations Security Council and other multilateral organisations to grass-root level institutions. It needs a response in terms of new thinking, new practices and new institutions in diplomacy, international law, data management, finance, security management, technology, climate change, pollution control among other spheres. The Panel has put forward several concrete recommendations in all these areas, because we believe that managing the global water challenge is not an ordinary task. It is a matter of survival.”
- Dr Danilo Türk, Chairman of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace.
Full video of the Geneva launch event, 14 September 2017: