
IAH 2024 World Congress in Davos: Jean Willemin to Speak

Our Senior Water-Peace Programme Manager, Jean Willemin, will share an innovative case study on inducing a transboundary groundwater cooperation, focusing on the Senegal-Mauritanian Aquifer Basin (SMAB).
IAH 2024 Davos
September, 12th 2024 - September, 12th 2024
11:00 am
Zurich (+02:00)
IAH World Groundwater Congress
Davos Congress Centre
Talstrasse 41
CH-7270 Davos


You can download the presentation "Inducing a dialogue on transboundary cooperation on the Senegal-Mauritaian Aquifer Basin" below.


With 90% of the world’s freshwater stored underground, cooperation is vital for sustainable management. Learn how the Geneva Water Hub, UNECE and IGRAC helped create a Regional Working Group led by Guinea Bissau, Mauritania, Senegal and The Gambia that facilitated the 2021 Ministerial Declaration on SMAB.

Session key insights:

  • A state-led approach to shared water resource management
  • Collaboration between the Gambia River Basin Development Organisation (OMVG) and the Senegal River Development Organisation (OMVS)
  • How trust and political will shape water diplomacy

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the future of transboundary water governance. 
Learn more about how we promote water as a tool for peace and cooperation in the Sahel and Western Africa HERE