Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention (UNECE) - Missing pieces of transboundary cooperation: civil society and youth

Some pictures of the event are available below.
General moderator: Noémie Plumier,
Project Officer, International Secretariat for Water
Opening remarks : 5’
Dimka Stantchev Skeie, Program Manager, Water Section at Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
World Café : 50’ (3 x 15 min)
Moderator 1 : Basilio Ghisletta, Programme Manager Policy and Law, Geneva Water Hub
Table 1 : How can inclusive leadership and participation in transboundary water governance enhance and leverage sustainability and social cohesion, including in conflict affected regions ?
Moderator 2 : Coline Arnoux, Advocacy Manager Butterfly Effect, International Secretariat for Water
Table 2 : What are the existing ways of engaging as civil society representatives in the diverse level of decision-making of transboundary water governance mechanisms?
Moderator 3 : Henry Pitts, President of the North American YPW & Anesa Colakovic, Member WYPW
Table 3 : What are the main challenges to meaningful inclusion and participation of youth in transboundary water management?
Wrap-up / Closing : 10’ moderators