
Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention (UNECE) - Missing pieces of transboundary cooperation: civil society and youth

Through a world café setting, this session aims to highlight the critical role of diverse voices in fostering inclusive and effective water governance across borders.
October, 25th 2024 - October, 25th 2024
1:30 pm - 2:45 pm
Ljubljana (+02:00)
Stebrna Hall, Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre
Room 1&2
  • Opening remarks (15min)

- Baboucar Mboundor Ngom, Secretary General, Ministry of Hydraulics and Sanitation, Senegal

- Danilo Türk, Former President of the Republic of Slovenia,Lead Political Advisor, Geneva Water Hub


  • Panel discussion (40min)

- Niokhor Ndour, Secretary General, L’Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal (OMVS)

- Giovanna Valverde, Ambassador, Special Adviser on Climate Change, Head of terrestrial borders, including transboundary rivers, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Costa Rica

- Dinara Ziganshina, Director, Scientific Information Center of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination in Central Asia (SIC-ICWC)

- Amani Alda'bis, Water and Environmental Engineer, Alumnus of the Professional Water Diplomacy Program at EcoPeace Middle East


  • Open discussion (15min)


  • Closing remarks (5min)

- Sibylle Vermont, Deputy Head of Section Global Affairs, Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) Switzerland


Chair of the event: Antti Rautavaara, Special Envoy for Water, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

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