
Water and peace at "Festival à Sahel Ouvert"

14, 15 and 16 February 2019 Mboumba, Senegal
February, 13th 2020
12:00 am
Zurich (+01:00)



Press coverage below

MicrOuvert… Xavier Simonin, directeur artistique du Festival à Sahel ouvert (Faso) de Mboumba, Le Quotidien, 12 février 2020.

Tête d’affiche du Festival à Sahel ouvert : Wasis Diop invite à la révolution humaine, Le Quotidien, 12 février 2020.

This experience was captured in the film "Water and Peace at the Heart of the "Festival à Sahel Ouvert" which sheds a local, philosophical and cultural light on the challenges of water in the Sahel. Geneva Water Hub, Globe Association, Milk Music partnership.


The short film “Daali-O, The Day Nature Spoke", is a work produced during the movie workshops of the Festival which addresses the relationship the community has to the river and their related development issues.

Young people from this region were invited to develop their ideas and their talents by making a short film on water under the supervision of film professionals. This artwork inspired an intervention by the philosopher Souleymane Bachir Diagne in the video “Water and Peace, a philosophical view” available here under.

Last update: Daali-O "world tour" continues! The short film is officially selected for the 13th International Film "Film Sozialak" in Bilbao, Spain! It will be projected on 16 October 2021 at 19:00 followed by a conference entitiled "Nouvelles narrations africaines : l'art et la culture comme outils de transformation"...

The following talk was opened by words by the eminent Senegalese philosopher Prof. Souleymane Bachir Diagne, and was attended by members of the village and very diverse personalities among whom the leader of the fishermen community, the Director of the Geneva Water Hub, the Swiss Ambassador to Senegal, Dr. Marion Weichelt Krupski, a representative of the University Gaston Berger in Saint Louis, a representative of the Society of development and use of the delta land.


As a vehicle for development and peace, culture has an important part to play in the Sahel region which is subject to growing instabilities. Water is a major challenge in this context but it is still not always recognized as such. The Geneva Water Hub is associated with the "A Sahel Ouvert" Festival which is held in Mboumba on the banks of the Senegal River from February 14 to 16 2020 for its 5th edition, in order to collaborate around Art for water and peace. This partnership with the Globe association, the organizer of the festival, aims at promoting artistic messages to heighten awareness and to encourage commitment for the cause of water through music and the cinema. The theme of water and peace will be conveyed by a musical performance of the Symphony for water and peace by the Blue Peace Quintet and by the projection of a short film produced by the youth of the river with the assistance of cinema professionals.

The event brochure is available below.

The press kit is available below.

The press release is available below.