
2023 Bled Strategic Forum international conference - Solidarity for Global Security - Water Crisis – Is Water Diplomacy up to the Challenge?

10:30 - 11:45 (CEST) Rikli Balance Hotel, Sonce Hall Bled, Slovenia    
August, 29th 2023
11:35 am
Zurich (+01:00) (+01:00)



The video of the event is available below.


Some photos of the event are available below.

Bled Strategic Forum international conference is the leading conference in Central and South-Eastern Europe. It takes taking place annually at the end of summer in the picturesque Alpine setting of Lake Bled, Slovenia. The conference is a gathering of participants from various fields with diverse knowledge, encouraging them to exchange views and generate ideas to address present and future challenges. In addition, the conference also offers a unique opportunity for tailored meetings and networking with regional and global stakeholders. Bled Strategic Forum international conference is the central event of the Bled Strategic Forum.

With the effects of climate change on water resources, the places where transboundary river basins have no cooperative agreements could be more prone to conflict. How to establish the entry points for water diplomacy to help establish trust & cooperation rather than conflict?

Our Lead Political Advisor and former President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr Danilo Türk, and our Scientific Director, Prof Christian Bréthaut, will be taking part to the session on "Water Crisis – Is Water Diplomacy up to the Challenge?"
