
Africa 21 - 1st Edition of the Africa forum 2050

Club suisse de la presse Domaine de Penthes Chemin de l’Impératrice 18, 1292 Pregny-Chambésy Geneva REGISTRATION LINK  
June, 8th 2023
11:44 am
Zurich (+01:00) (+01:00)



The Geneva Water Hub and the Pôle Eau Dakar were proud to contribute to the organization of this Forum. The videos of the three roundtables which we were involved in are available below.

Water-related knowledge: towards a new approach of the climate-water data and the challenges of groundwater resources


Water and the protection of ecosystems, dangers and inequalities raised by gold-mining


Sharing the water in fragile contexts, challenges around peace and transboundary water management


Other videos of the Forum are available here.

Located in the heart of International Geneva, Africa 21 is a Think Tank expected to stimulate thinking, exchanges on the practices of stakeholders in the field of sustainable development on the African continent. As part of its mandate, it plans to launch an annual event during which all the stakeholders of International Geneva involved in Africa, could talk, exchange, share experiences, visions, points of view and reflexions for more coordination, consistency and success, but also think about the future of the continent and about the evolution of practices and tendencies that will shape the Africa of tomorrow.

The Africa 2050 Forum, organized by Africa 21, will be held in Geneva on June 12-13 2023 under the theme "Africa at the heart of International Geneva". It is also available in an online format.

Three major themes will be examined for this first edition:

  • African Cities and Ways of life.
  • Continental Free-trade Zone, crises and economic upswings.
  • The Challenges of Water in Africa.

The Geneva Water Hub and the Pôle Eau Dakar  are happy to partner with this Forum by organizing on Tuesday 3 June three round tables about the challenges of water in Africa:

  • Water-related knowledge: towards a new approach of the climate-water data and the challenges of groundwater resources.
  • Water and the protection of ecosystems, dangers and inequalities raised by gold-mining.
  • Sharing the water in fragile contexts, challenges around peace and transboundary water management.

The complete programme is available HERE.