
Initiative on Empowering Women in Water Diplomacy in the MENA region: Launching of the Comparative Study of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine

On line session 13:00-15:00 CET Upon registration
March, 15th 2021
1:42 pm
Zurich (+01:00) (+01:00)



To access the publication, click here.

A picture of people attending this event is available below.


Since the launch of the report of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace “A Matter of Survival” in 2017, the implementation of its recommendations has thrown the light and supported the importance of looking at the role of women water leaders in peacebuilding, and resolution of conflicts, using new mechanisms of water diplomacy. Indeed, the role of gender in hydrodiplomacy is under-studied, and there is a need for the empowerment, in particular of the role of women in water diplomacy and water cooperation decision making and negotiations.

The Geneva Water Hub and the Global Water Partnership Mediterranean (GWP-Med) have jointly conducted on a Comparative Study that applies a gender lens to the challenges of decision making on water security and transboundary cooperation issues in the MENA region. In celebration of both International Women’s Day, and World Water Day 2021, a virtual launching event is co-organized by the GWP-Med and the Geneva Water Hub, within the framework of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Water Policy Framework for Actions 2030, on 15 March 2021 from 13:00-15:00 CET.


This 2-hour event  will develop over three segments, matching the three objectives: a welcoming part by the co-organizing partners; a presentation and discussion on the key findings of the Comparative Study; and a panel among development partners and relevant organizations, reflecting on the theme and exploring options for operational synergies.

The event will simultaneously interpreted into in English/French/Arabic.

Register in advance at:

The draft agenda is available below.

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur l'Initiative sur l'autonomisation des femmes dans la diplomatie de l'eau dans la région MENA, téléchargez sa brochure de présentation ici (ou au bas de cette page) ou contactez Mme Natasha Carmi, Spécialiste principale de l'eau à ncarmi[at], ou Dr. Anthi Brouma, Coordinatrice régionale adjointe, GWP-Med (anthi[at]