
Protection of water in armed conflicts - 33rd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent

18:30-19:30 International Conference Center of Geneva (CICG), Room 15 Access map
December, 10th 2019
6:30 pm
Zurich (+01:00) (+01:00)



The video of the event is available below.

Below is Ambassador Yannnick Roulin's address.

The Geneva Water Hub, the Platform for International Water Law, hosted at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva, UNICEF, the Netherlands Red Cross and the Permanent Mission of the Republic Slovenia to the United Nations Office in Geneva, organize a side-event on the “Protection of Water during Armed Conflicts” during the 33rd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

The event will present the legal frameworks protecting access to water and raise awareness about the increasing vulnerabilities of populations affected by armed conflicts. Speakers will explore ways to prevent and to respond to these vulnerabilities. In particular, the debate will focus on how to actively promote compliance with existing frameworks and how to improve the the resilience of water and sanitation systems during and after armed conflicts.

Participation upon invitation only. Please contact: mara.tignino[at]

Welcome address


Ambassador Yannick Roulin

Head of Host State Division
Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations.




Ambassador Sabina Stadler

Permanent Representative of the Republic of Slovenia to the United Nations Office at Geneva.


Les panélistes


Danilo Türk

Former President of the Republic of Slovenia and Chairman of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace
Geneva Water Hub.



Mara Tignino

Reader, Faculty of Law and the Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva and Lead Legal Specialist
Geneva Water Hub.



Christine Pirenne

Head Humanitarian Aid
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands.



Meritxell Relano

Deputy Director, Office of Emergency Programme


Le flyer de l'événement est disponible ci-dessous.