Round Table - "Transboundary collaboration on the Senegalese-Mauritanian Aquifer"


- Impact
The report of the round table is available below.
Des photos de l'événement sont disponibles ci-dessous.
The Roundtable has provided a platform of exchange between the four States sharing the Senegalese-Mauritanian aquifer and the transboundary basin organizations so as to discuss the management challenges of the shared aquifer. It has also identified possible options aimed at strengthening cooperation so as to promote a sustainable management and use of the aquifer for the peaceful develpment of the region.
The Rountable was organised jointly by the Secretariat of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) and the Geneva Water Hub, center on hydropolitics and hydro-diplomacy, which hosts the Secretariat of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace.
The objectives of the roundtable are the following:
- Establish a first assessment on the current knowledge of the aquifer and discuss challenges and possible developments related to its use.
- Identify the benefits of regional cooperation for each stakeholder.
- Identify opportunities for technical and financial cooperation.
- Determine possible future steps to enhance cooperation and collaborative management of the aquifer, within the framework of the region’s peaceful and sustainable development.
Le programme de la table ronde est disponible ci-dessous. D'autres documents sont disponibles sur la page de l'événement de la Convention sur l'eau.
Des photos de l'événement sont disponibles ci-dessous :