Webinar - Transboundary Water Cooperation Coalition - Advancing Transboundary Water Cooperation through commitments for the UN 2023 Water Conference
14:00-15:30 CET
Interpretaion: Arabic/English/French/Spanish
February, 27th 2023
2:00 pm
Zurich (+01:00)
- Impact
The video of the event is available below.
Related presentations and documents are available here.
The purpose of the webinar is to motvate governments, basin organizatons, civil society, internatonal organizatons etc. to make commitments to the Water Acton Agenda of the UN 2023 Water Conference (New York, 22-24 March 2023). The Water Acton Agenda will be a major outcome of the conference. The webinar will provide informaton on the process for making a commitment and raising awareness about making commitments on transboundary water cooperaton in partcular, giving some momentum towards the conference.
The event flyer is available below.