Webinar - Water in the International Court of Justice: Recent Developments
- Impact
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has heard very few cases involving international water law, but the number of water-related cases has risen as water conflicts increase. This webinar examined the most recent ICJ dispute between Bolivia and Chile, as well as the content and relevance of all ICJ water-related judgments. Christina Leb, Senior Counsel at the World Bank and Fellow at the Platform for International Water Law, moderated the discussion.
Click on the image below to access the full event summary and recording.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has heard very few cases involving international water law, but the number of water-related cases has risen as water conflicts increase. This webinar will examine the most recent ICJ dispute between Bolivia and Chile, as well as the content and relevance of all ICJ water-related judgments.
The webinar is a collaboration between the International Water Resources Association, the Geneva Water Hub, and International Association for Water Law (AIDA).
Le flyer de l'événement est disponible ci-dessous.