15th meeting of the Group of Friends on Water and Peace
Transboundary Groundwater – a catalyst for cooperation?
Working languages of the meeting are English and French, without interpretation.
Please RSVP to Noura Kayal (nkayal@genevawaterhub.org) to let us know if you intend to participate in-person or online. Please note: measures against propagation of the COVID-19 apply during the meeting. Should you have any questions, please contact Irina Gorsic (irina.gorsic@gov.si) or Noura Kayal (nkayal@genevawaterhub.org)
Competition for water resources is increasing globally due to population and economic growth, exacerbated by climate change. When people talk about water, they mostly think of rivers, lakes, or the sea. We seldom think of the invisible source, the groundwater. Nevertheless, some 2.5 billion people depend solely on groundwater to satisfy their daily drinking and other domestic water needs. 40% of water for irrigated agriculture and 30% of water supply for industry come from groundwater.
The guiding questions:
- How do we increase the visibility of groundwater and its relevance, and inform and inspire action?
- How do we encourage sustainable and equitable management of transboundary aquifers and transform them from a potential source of conflict to a catalyst for cooperation?
- How can existing and emerging international water law help frame this cooperation? Do we need to develop the existing rules further?
The full agenda is available below.
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