
Coup d'envoi de la « Summer School » 2018

04.06.2018 Education and Training
Today, the 2018 edition of the Geneva Water Hub Summer School in Water Governance: Frameworks and Negotiations kicks-off in Geneva. Meet the honourable participants.

Virginie, CNRS, France.
Kirsten, MEDRC, Oman.
Ziad, Technical Educational Institute, Lebanon.
Aibek, MOFA Kyrgyzsthan.
Alla-Eddine, Lydec Planning, Marocco.
Fatine, University of Catalunya, Spain.
Elif, Turkish Water Institute, Turkey.
Caroline, Geneva Water Hub, Switzerland.
Julie, Skat Consulting Ltd Water, Switzerland.
Elizabeth, Waterloom, Germany.
Odiljon, MOFA Uzbekistan.
Luis Antonio, Permanent Mission of Colombia to the UN, Switzerland.
Mey, Lebanese Ministry of State for Displaced Affairs, Communications Manager.
Firuz, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan.
