2020 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Barometer
Every year, Solidarités International publishes the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Barometer. Researchers, politicians, doctors, geographers, Northern and Southern NGOs are called upon to contribute their views and their insights to this publication and take stock of the current state of this vital resource. As a reference document the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Barometer aims to alert and engage the general public and national and international decision-makers on what should be done at the local and global level.
We are proud to have contributed to this edition devoted to "Water & Crises". Read the article coauthored by Mr François Münger, Geneva Water Hub Director and Mr Niokhor Ndour, Pôle Eau Dakar Coordinator, entitled "Water Consciousness to Shape the Future Diplomacy" on page 50.
21st century diplomacy will be at the heart of the concerns and challenges which will be addressed during the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar in March 2021. "Talking about water safety is acknowledging the growing complexity of the management of a resource under pressure and vulnerable to climate change." Read more on the Solidarités International website.