
2020 Journée mondiale de l'eau en temps de crise

22.03.2020 Protection of Water During and After Armed Conflict
Une page régulièrement mise à jour sur les activités du Geneva Water Hub ! 



Mr François Münger, Director
Geneva Water Hub


Hydrodiplomatic Education
Prof Christian Bréthaut, Director of the Research and Education Function
Geneva Water Hub

Have a look at this article which explains the UPWCD initiative and the added value of universities in regards to water diplomacy and cooperation. And of course don't forget to visit!

Water for Peace
Prof Danilo Türk, Lead Political Advisor and Chair of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace
Geneva Water Hub

Water and Peace at the Heart of the "Festival A Sahel Ouvert"
Geneva Water Hub, Globe Association, Milk Music

A Global Home for Water and Peace
Mrs Natasha Carmi, Lead Water Specialist
Geneva Water Hub

Stay tuned - The Global Observatory on Water and Peace (11 May 2020)