2020 Journée mondiale de l'eau en temps de crise
Protection of Water During and After Armed Conflict
Une page régulièrement mise à jour sur les activités du Geneva Water Hub !
Mr François Münger, Director
Geneva Water Hub
- Hydrodiplomatic Education
Prof Christian Bréthaut, Director of the Research and Education Function
Geneva Water Hub -
Have a look at this article which explains the UPWCD initiative and the added value of universities in regards to water diplomacy and cooperation. And of course don't forget to visit www.upwcd.org!
- Water for Peace
Prof Danilo Türk, Lead Political Advisor and Chair of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace
Geneva Water Hub -
Water and Peace at the Heart of the "Festival A Sahel Ouvert"
Geneva Water Hub, Globe Association, Milk Music - A Global Home for Water and Peace
Mrs Natasha Carmi, Lead Water Specialist
Geneva Water Hub -
Stay tuned - The Global Observatory on Water and Peace (11 May 2020)