9th World Water Forum - High Level Panel - Protection of Water and Water Infrastructure Before, During and After Armed Conflict
This panel is an important milestone for ensuring better protection of water and water infrastructure, before, during and after armed conflicts. With the support of the Swiss Confederation, the Geneva Water Hub invites you to contribute to the discussion on the occasion of the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar.
About two billion people live in areas affected by armed conflicts, where destruction of water infrastructure is increasingly common. As detailed in the ICRC’s Urban Services and UNICEF’s Water Under Fire reports, the consequence on the most vulnerable communities is severe. When water and sanitation services are disrupted water-borne diseases and epidemics proliferate. To advance the protection of these communities, the Geneva Water Hub has developed the Geneva List of Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure. While the main focus of this document is the clarification of norms of international humanitarian law applicable to water infrastructure, 1 the Geneva Principles also aim at enhancing cooperation on installations located on transboundary water resources in peace time and the protection of the human rights to water and sanitation at all times. This High-Level Panel will provide a unique opportunity to explore cross-sectoral linkages between the SDG 6 on water and sanitation and SDG 16 on peace.
The concept note and tentative programme is available below.
Le dépliant est disponible ci-dessous.