Blue Peace Kick-Off Talk - 8th World Water Forum, Brasília
Building Peace
17:00 - 18:30, World Water Forum
Swiss Pavillon – Stand E15 Expo Hall
Mané Garrincha National Stadium, Brasília
The kickoff session of the Blue Peace Talks will, first and foremost, inform the audience about the concept “Blue Peace”, highlight the themes and activities it encompasses and present the work of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace. Its recommendations, outlined in the report “A Matter of Survival” will be illustrated on the basis of concrete examples.
Moderator: Christian Bréthaut, Assistant Professor in Water Governance, University of Geneva
- François Münger, Director, Geneva Water Hub
- Pio Wennubst, State Secretary, State Secreatary, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
- Dr. Claudia Patricia Mora, Member, Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace
- Muhammad Wasif Bashir Babar, Founding President, Pakistan Youth Parliament for Water (PYPW)