
« Drops of the Future » à Vienne : Une étape importante pour la coopération dans le domaine de l'eau !

10.03.2025 Building Peace
Les 26 et 27 février 2025, l'initiative « Drops of the Future » dirigée par l'OSCE a tenu son dernier événement à Vienne, marquant le point culminant d'une série d'activités axées sur la jeunesse et portant sur le lien entre l'eau, l'alimentation et l'énergie dans cinq pays d'Asie centrale.
Drops of the Future
Le Geneva Water Hub a contribué aux discussions régionales en Asie centrale par le biais de l'initiative « Drops of the Future » menée par l'OSCE - une série axée sur les jeunes et portant sur le lien entre l'eau, l'alimentation et l'énergie. Lancée par l'OSCE en partenariat avec la Suisse, cette initiative s'est étendue aux cinq pays d'Asie centrale et a abouti à un événement de haut niveau à Vienne, en Autriche.

Our colleague, Nadira Mukhamejan, represented the GWH in these discussions, bringing her expertise in Central Asian water governance and youth engagement to the table. Her participation in the panel discussions and co-facilitating a design thinking workshop aimed at spurring creative problem-solving for water-related challenges underscores GWH’s commitment to empowering the next generation of water leaders and fostering regional cooperation. 

Key Takeaways from the Vienna Event:

  • Water Diplomacy = Sustainable Development: Continuous dialogue and negotiation are key to managing trade-offs between water use, energy production, and food security – especially under climate change pressures​. Such cooperation helps prevent resource conflicts and promotes sustainable development amid climate uncertainties.
  • Focus on Cooperation, Technologies, and Data Exchange: From hydrological modelling to stakeholder mapping, open-access tools and data-sharing agreements can reduce tensions and build trust across borders.
  • Youth and Women’s Leadership in Water for Peace: Empowering young professionals and women leads to stronger cross-border trust and collaboration. Engaging these voices in water dialogues is vital for long-term stability and peace in the region​.

In addition to work in Central Asia, the Geneva Water Hub leads various initiatives to advance water diplomacy worldwide. Nadira highlighted the initiative of the Science-Policy Incubator Grant on Water Diplomacy that provides support for scholars to bridge research and policy ensuring that scientific insights inform sustainable cooperation over shared water resources.

We also prioritize knowledge-sharing and training. The upcoming Summer School in Water Governance (8th edition, June 2025), offering hands-on training in hydropolitics, international water law, and data-driven cooperation.