
Formation à la construction de la paix dans l'environnement

25.09.2023 Shaping Law and Policy
Application start: 3 July 2023  Application end: 25 August 2023 (with visa 11 August 2023) Fee: Scholarships available Registration HERE.    

The Geneva Water Hub and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia have joined their forces to develop a training course on “Environmental Peacebuilding” which will take place in Geneva. This course aims to comprehensively explore the theoretical foundations, legal frameworks, and challenges associated with environmental peacebuilding. Participants will delve into various aspects, including (1) the evolution, components, and different approaches employed in peacebuilding and environmental peacebuilding; (2) the significance of environmental factors in conflict and post-conflict situations; (3) the relevant legal frameworks that guide and support environmental peacebuilding; and (4) emerging challenges, issues, and the prospects of environmental peacebuilding.

More information here.