Lancement de la plateforme médiatique mondiale "The Water Diplomat" (Le diplomate de l'eau)
Setting the Research Agenda
9:00 - 10:00
" La Pastorale "
Route de Ferney 106, Genève (plan d'accès)
Le Club suisse de la Presse - Geneva Press Club, en collaboration avec le Geneva Water Hub et OOSKA news, a le plaisir d'inviter la presse internationale, la presse suisse et ses membres à la conférence de presse intitulée :
WATER AS A MATTER OF SURVIVAL: Launch of the global media platform “The Water Diplomat”
In the presence of:
- Dr. Danilo Türk, Chair of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace
- Mr. François Münger, Director of the Geneva Water Hub
- Mr. Johan Gély, Head of Global Water Programme, The Blue Peace Mouvement and the Engagement of Switzerland
- Mrs. Adjaratou Khouredia Ndiaye, Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Senegal
- M. David Duncan, directeur de l'OOSKAnews
- Mr. Dagim Terefe Gesese, Freelance Journalist and Global Goodwill Ambassador of Ethiopia (by video message)
See invitation below and following this link.