
Launch of the Joint Operational Framework - WASH Resilience, Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding

05.09.2023 Shaping Law and Policy
Online 14:00 - 15:00 CEST Register HERE.      

We are thrilled to announce that the Joint Operational Framework (JOF) - WASH Resilience, Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding will soon be released.

Le triple nexus et le cadre opérationnel conjoint sont - à la base - des actions conjointes pour des résultats collectifs. Le processus d'élaboration du cadre opérationnel conjoint a été un excellent exemple d'action collective impliquant un large éventail d'acteurs influents dans les piliers humanitaire, développement et paix. Nous tenons à remercier toutes les personnes et institutions impliquées pour leur précieuse contribution à la création du document - dans le cadre du processus d'examen approfondi ou par le biais de notre série de consultations et d'entretiens. Plus de 40 entretiens avec des informateurs clés, trois événements mondiaux, deux consultations régionales (Afrique et Asie) et un processus d'examen approfondi (45 institutions, 62 examinateurs, 364 commentaires) ont été menés au cours des deux dernières années.

Now its time to celebrate this important milestone for the Triple Nexus in WASH Initiative of the WASH Roadmap 2020-25. We are glad to present you an exciting and high-ranking line up of speakers including:

Confirmed speakers include:


What is the JOF?

The JOF sets out the thinking, a theory of change and key steps for putting the nexus approach into practice within the WASH sector along with establishing strong linkages with the integrated water resource management sector. The JOF provides practical support to WASH programmes to build capacities relating to resilience, conflict sensitivity and peace (where feasible and relevant) within WASH systems, by applying the nexus approach in combination with other programmatic approaches. Leveraging the nexus means to encouraging collaboration, programming coherence and coordination across humanitarian, development and peace pillars within the WASH sector while respecting organisational mandates and acknowledging that solutions are context specific and locally driven. The ultimate objective is to reduce people’s unmet needs, risk and vulnerabilities within the context of the WASH sector, increase their resilience, minimise harm and build peace.

In which contexts is the JOF relevant?

Experience of implementing the nexus approach suggests that it is particularly relevant in contexts prone to protracted (e.g., long term conflict, water insecurity) and recurrent (e.g., floods, drought) crises. In such contexts, humanitarian, development and peace pillars collaborate to provide the required stability to implement long-term programmes. Given the role of climate change as a driver of conflict and protracted/recurrent crises, the JOF is also highly relevant in climate vulnerable contexts.

How was the JOF developed?

The development of the WASH JOF was recommended by the global event ‘Building Resilient WASH Systems in Fragile Contexts’ that took place 2019 in Geneva and was subsequently included as a key deliverable in the WASH Road Map initiative “The Triple Nexus in WASH”, co-led by GWN, GWC, SWA and UNICEF.

The document is the result of an iterative process, based on inputs from more than 40 interviews with key WASH stakeholders across the three pillars, an ongoing literature review of policy, guidance and case studies, a technical review by more than 60 experts, and more than 10 learning workshops and webinars at the global and regional level (Africa and Asia) with inputs from policy makers and practitioners.