
Lunch Discussion "The Protection of Water Infrastructure in Relation to Armed Conflicts"

18.03.2019 Protection of Water During and After Armed Conflict
World Bank Group 12:30 - 2:00PM

In its 2017 report “A Matter of Survival”, the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace, co-convened by fifteen countries, has underlined the dire consequences of armed conflicts on water infrastructure. Following its recommendations on strengthening the respect for and implementation of international humanitarian law in relation to water, the Geneva Water Hub’s Platform for International Water Law, hosted at the University of Geneva, has taken the initiative, with other academic partners, international and non-governmental organisations, to draw a List of Principles protecting water infrastructure during and after armed conflicts.  Through the presentation of the List of Principles, the lunch discussion aims at exploring ways on how this document may be used by practitioners working in the humanitarian and development fields and at fostering the knowledge on the role of water infrastructure reconstruction in the contexts of fragility, conflicts and violence.


