
New Security Beat - La diplomatie de l'eau peut s'inspirer des idées réalistes

19.07.2022 Shaping Law and Policy
Un nouvel article publié dans New Security Beat par Sumit Vij, Mark Zeitoun et Christian Bréthaut du Geneva Water Hub, argumentant le retour du réalisme dans la diplomatie et ses implications sur la diplomatie de l'eau.    

As Russia’s war in Ukraine continues and nations are returning to behaviors best explained by realism, we are wrestling with these trends’ longer-term implications on water diplomacy. States are becoming inward-looking and prioritizing national sovereignty. Debates about water and climate are resurfacing, and we should better understand how hard power and inward-looking approaches can impact water diplomacy and cooperation. To inform policymakers about power sensitivities and power games played in diplomacy, water diplomats must rethink the future of water security and peace. They should reexamine leadership styles, cultural sensitivities, and knowledge exchange from the lens of realism.

Read the rest of the article here.