
Public Panel - Conflicts over Water, Land and Food: Prevention and Responses

07.11.2017 Protection of Water During and After Armed Conflict
Water and land are key natural resources that shape billions of peoples’ livelihoods, food security, wellbeing and identity. The equitable and peaceful management of water and land is an increasingly challenging task due to a multitude of factors such as resource degradation, climate change, population growth and violent conflict that can exacerbate vulnerabilities.

Multi-faceted policies and practices that combine approaches from development, peacebuilding and human rights in a complementary and mutually reinforcing way present potential for preventing both structural and direct violence. This event will discuss the potential of land, food and water as instruments of peace in preventing conflicts and building peace in emergency situations.

World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Avenue de la Paix 7bis, Geneva.
2nd floor, De Mello Room Auditorium (access map).

Video of the event:

Full script of the event:


Pictures of the event:

As part of the Geneva Peace Week, the following orgranisations are involved in the organisation of this event:

The Geneva Water Hub
The Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO)
The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)  


The official poster of this Panel is available below:

More information about the 2017 edition of the Geneva Peace Week in the flyer below: