
"Towards More Effective Humanitarian Operations In Urban Areas" - Launch of the ICRC report on applying operational resilience and institutional learning in Gaza

28.06.2022 Protection of Water During and After Armed Conflict
13:00 - 15:00 CET Humanitarium du CICR à Genève 17 Avenue de la paix, 1202 Genève Participez à l'événement en ligne en suivant ce lien

Le 28 juin, le Geneva Water Hub et le CICR invitent le professeur Mark Zeitoun, directeur général du Geneva Water Hub, à discuter avec un panel d'experts de premier plan de son récent travail"Towards more effective humanitarian operations in urban areas of protracted armed conflicts. Leçons tirées de l'application de la résilience opérationnelle et de l'apprentissage institutionnel à Gaza".

The launch will feature a panel of leading experts, including:


  • Guillaume Pierrehumbert, Head of Water & Habitat Unit, International Committee of the Red Cross


  • Mark Zeitoun, directeur général du Geneva Water Hub


  • Mirko Winkler, Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
  • Omar Shatat, Operation and Maintenance Department Manager, Coastal Municipality Water Utility
  • Kristen MacAskill, Assistant Professor in Engineering, Environment and Sustainable Development, University of Cambridge

More information about the event on the ICRC website.


Many of today's armed conflicts are fought in urban areas and are increasingly becoming protracted. The average time that the ICRC has been present in its ten largest operations is 42 years. These protracted urban crises have caused unprecedented humanitarian needs that pose unique challenges with devastating consequences for public health, displacement and livelihoods.

The report presented in this event argues that all humanitarian actors keen to address the challenges of protracted armed conflicts more effectively must understand the situation in question thoroughly by investing extensively in data collection to improve the evidence base; design operations with operational resilience in mind, as such operations are likely to involve and benefit more people in the longer-term; and learn from the original design and actual execution of operations, so that self-improvement becomes a constant feature.

L'auteur du rapport, le professeur Mark Zeitoun, discutera avec des universitaires, des praticiens et des collègues du CICR des opportunités et des défis liés au changement de paradigme qui s'opère dans les opérations du CICR à Gaza. L'événement aura lieu dans l'Humanitarium du bureau du CICR à Genève et sera simultanément accessible sur le web.