
Water Talks Series – Edition 3

10.11.2016 Water Talks Series – Edition 3
Doors open at 18:30 Swiss Television Building (RTS) Quai Ernest-Ansermet 20, Geneva

We are proud to announce the long-awaited 3rd edition of the Water Talks Series. This time, three honourable speakers will have the opportunity to share a 12mn presentation on a topic related to "Water, Conflicts and Cooperation".

This series is an open-speech opportunity for researchers to expose and explain their ideas, their stances on contemporary challenges linked to water governance. A light snack and refreshments will be served after the presentations to encourage exchanges between the speakers and the participants.

This event is taking place in the context of the Geneva Peace Week.

In the document bellow you will find the list of speakers as well as the topics of their presentations.

Pictures of the event are available below: