
Webinaire - Subvention de l'incubateur de politique scientifique sur la diplomatie de l'eau

23.02.2024 Setting the Research Agenda
14:30 CET Lien Zoom Identifiant de la réunion : 661 0950 0196

Are you interested in applying to the Science Policy Grant in Water Diplomacy? Please join this short webinar, where we will present the goals and formalities of the grant, and answer your questions.

The objective of the Science Policy Incubator Grant on Water Diplomacy is to give policy-oriented scholars of water diplomacy and hydropolitics an opportunity to bridge their research to policy. This might involve repackaging research for different audiences, preparing training materials, making a communications plan, or more generally connecting with the right policy makers, and intervening in the right arenas.

More information about the Grant here.