
World Bank Forum on Fragility, Conflict and Violence - Water for peace: preventing conflict related to water and wetlands

10.08.2020 Protection of Water During and After Armed Conflict
The World Bank Washington, D.C.

The Fragility Forum brings together global practitioners and policymakers to exchange knowledge and experience on engaging in environments affected by fragility, conflict and violence. Held every other year, the Fragility Forum 2020 has been transformed into a Virtual Series to adapt to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Starting the week of June 8, the Fragility Forum Virtual Series provides an online alternative to share practical solutions and concrete approaches to maximize the collective impact of humanitarian, development, security and peacebuilding actors to help prevent conflict, build resilience, and sustain peace.

Les « Virutal series » durent jusqu'au 31 août 2020 et couvrent les sujets initialement prévus pour le Forum, avec un accent supplémentaire sur les pandémies et les implications de COVID-19. Les sessions sont organisées autour des thèmes clés de la stratégie du Groupe de la Banque mondiale sur la fragilité, les conflits et la violence, en utilisant des formats tels que les podcasts, les interviews d'experts, les ateliers, les formations et les événements en direct.

Every week will feature three sessions: a 60-min, live event on Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET; two other sessions, recorded or live, will be uploaded directly to the website. Formats will vary at the discretion of the session sponsor/s.. All recordings as well as discussion space will be available on the website for each session. Join the conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #fragilityforum20.

In collaboration with The Water, Peace and Security (WPS) partnerhsip, we contributed to a World Bank Blog article entitled “Water for peace: preventing conflict related to water and wetlands”. This piece is part of the 2020 Fragility Forum along with partners’ podcasts.

More information about the event and registration link is available at here.

The 3rd of the four Water for Peace podcasts for the World Bank’s Online Fragility Forum 2020 focuses on collaboration on water insecurity issues, with Danilo Türk, the lead political advisor of Geneva Water Hub.

"If you take the area of Sahel, now after this terrible experience with Darfur, I think there is more understanding that the search for peace in the greater Sahel area in places like Mali for example, will need to include water management and arrangements that would deal with water issues in accordance with the needs of the people in the region. And that requires a great deal of understanding of the local economic structures, political realities, and technical possibilities.”

Click on the image below to access the podcast.


You can find out more at or follow @waterpeacesec on Twitter.