Distance learning course on International Water Law and the Law of Transboundary Aquifers

Le Geneva Water Hub a le plaisir d'annoncer le lancement de la 3e édition de son cours à distance sur le droit international de l'eau et le droit des aquifères transfrontaliers qui aura lieu du 24 septembre au 9 décembre 2018.
L'objectif du cours est de fournir aux professionnels impliqués dans la négociation ou la mise en œuvre de traités relatifs aux ressources en eaux souterraines et de surface transfrontalières une connaissance approfondie des principes et des normes qui régissent l'utilisation, le partage équitable et la gestion durable de ces ressources. Ce cadre juridique international contribue à la prévention des conflits liés à l'eau entre les États riverains.
The course is composed of six thematic modules and an additional practical module consisting in the resolution of a case study.
Course co-directors:
- Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva.
- Makane M. Mbengue, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva.
- Mara Tignino, Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of the Platform for International Water Law at the Geneva Water Hub, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva.
Speakers from international organizations and representatives from different sectors will contribute with their expertise throughout the course.
Find out more about the course’s content, participation fees and application process on the University of Geneva page, or contact info-waterlawonline[at]unige.ch for further inquiries.
The course is carried out by the Geneva Water Hub’s Platform for International Water Law, in partnership with the DiploFoundation and receives the financial support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.