Cours à distance "Droit international de l'eau et droit des aquifères transfrontaliers" entre le 21 octobre et le 22 décembre 2019

Developed by the Geneva Water Hub and the Platform for International Water Law of the University of Geneva, the online course in "International Water Law and the Law of Transboundary Aquifers" has been designed for professionals from different backgrounds including law, international relations, hydrology, engineering or economics. Government officials (diplomats, technical and scientific specialists working in transboundary water issues), international organizations staff, NGO, civil society representatives, academics and professionals from the private sector.
By the end of this training, participants will :
- Gain sound knowledge of international water law.
- Acquire an in-depth understanding of the multifaceted aspects related to the governance of water resources.
- Foster reflection on the linkages between international water law and other areas of international law.
- Foster reflection allowing a more effective use of legal tools to improve access to water and solve water-related disputes.
Des bourses complètes ou partielles sont disponibles pour les participants des pays les moins développés et des pays non membres de l'OCDE.
For more information about this training, please visit the page of the Center for Continuing and Distance Learning of the University of Geneva.