Bibliography - “Participatory Water Governance in Africa: Community Management of Rural Water Supply”
This bibliography, which is based on a wider systematic review of the literature, presents short summaries of some of the key publications (~1990-2016) on Participatory Water Governance in Africa. The primary focus is on community management of rural water supply for domestic use, but some sources that focus on urban water supply, irrigation, and integrated water resource management (IWRM) have been included where they contribute important insights. Sources are broadly grouped thematically and by date.
PWG has been a core element of water policy in low-income countries for decades. The most common form of PWG is community management, in which a committee of local users takes responsibility for technical and financial management of a water resource (such as a borehole, protected spring, or tap system), usually after it has been developed by a government or aid agency. Proponents of PWG argue that it is both more efficient and more equitable than state-led water governance. Critics suggest that these benefits are overstated and often not sustained, and that PWG has negative social side-effects.
This reference list is an output from the Geneva Water Hub Research Network Consolidating Grants attributed to Dr Ellie Chowns, Research Associate at the University of Sheffield.