
Academic Publications

Définir l'agenda de la recherche La recherche juridique
Les experts juridiques du Geneva Water Hub sont régulièrement sollicités pour contribuer à l'élaboration de documents juridiques et politiques. 


  • Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence, and Mara Tignino. (2024). "Droit international et eau douce." Juris-Classeur Environnement et Développement Durable, LexisNexis, Paris. [↓]

  • Tignino, Mara. (2024). "The protection of water in armed conflicts: legal challenges and developments," in Rivista della Giustizia Militare, Special Edition on International Humanitarian Law, pp. 61-70, Rome. [↓]

  • Tignino, Mara. (2024). "Economia circolare ed elementi di diritto internazionale." Ambiente & Sviluppo, no. 1, pp. 36. [↓]

  • Tignino, Mara, and Diego Jara. (2024). "Human rights law in the development of hydropower projects in transboundary context." Frontiers in Climate, vol. 6. [↓]

  • Tignino, Mara, and Tadesse Moges Kebebew. (2024).  "Drops of hope: fresh water and its related services in post-conflict peacebuilding activities." In Enhancing Stabilization and Strategic Partnership in a Post-Conflict Environment: A Comprehensive Approach to Human Security, edited by Ludovica Glorioso and Susan Pond, NATO Security Force Assistance Centre for Excellence, Rome, p. 173.  [↓]


  • Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence, Mara Tignino, and Haoua Savadogo. (2023). "The Right to Water." In The Roles of International Law in Development, edited by Siobhan McInerney-Lankford and Robert McCorquodale, Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 196. [↓]

  • Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence. (2023). "L'eau en droit international: entre singularité et pluralité", Fayard. [↓]

  • Tignino, Mara, and Tadesse Moges Kebebew.(2023). "A galaxy of norms: UN peace operations and protection of the environment in relation to armed conflict." International Review of the Red Cross, vol. 105, no. 924, pp. 1543-1567. [↓]

  • Tignino, Mara. (2023). "The regulation of crimes against water in armed conflicts and other situations of violence." International Review of the Red Cross, vol. 105, no. 923, pp. 706-734.  [↓]

  • Kebebew, T. M. (2023). Dispute over the Status and Use of the Waters of the Silala (Chile v Bolivia): Is the International Court of Justice falling short? Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 32(2), 371-375. [↓]

  • Tignino, M., & Kebebew, T. (2023). Access to water and peacebuilding. In Research Handbook on International Law and Environmental Peacebuilding (pp. 328-354). Edward Elgar Publishing. [↓]

  • Tignino, M., & Kebebew, T. (2023). International water law and climate change. In A Research Agenda for Water Law (pp. 157-184). Edward Elgar Publishing. [↓]


  • Tignino, M., & Kebebew, T. (2022). The legal protection of freshwater resources and related installations during warfare. Journal of International Criminal Justice, 20(5), 1191-1228. [↓]

  • Tignino, M. (2022). Derechos de la naturaleza y derechos a la naturaleza: tendencias emergentes en el derecho internacional. Naturaleza y Sociedad. Desafíos Medioambientales, (4), 53-69. [↓]


  • De Chazournes, L. B. (2021). Fresh water in international law. Oxford University Press. [↓]


  • Tignino, M., & Irmakkesen, Ö. (2020). Water in peace operations: The case of Haiti. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, 29(1), 33-43. [↓]

  • Tignino, M., & Bréthaut, C. (2020). The role of international case law in implementing the obligation not to cause significant harm. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 20, 631-648. [↓]


Contributions récentes :  

  • IUCN WCEL Specialist Group on Environmental Security and Conflict Law, including Simone van der Boon, Daniëlla Dam-de Jong, Karen Hulme, Merryl Lawry-White, and Mara Tignino. "Corporate due diligence and liability for natural resources supply chains in/from conflict-affected regions: Implementation Guidance for Principles 10 and 11 of the ILC Principles on the Protection of the Environment in Relation to Armed Conflict," 2024. [↓]

  • Geneva Water Hub’s Contribution to the development of the policy paper on Environmental Crimes by the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, 2024. [↓]

  • Contribution du Geneva Water Hub au rapport thématique du Rapporteur Spécial sur les droits à l'eau et à l'assainissement à la 78ème session de l'Assemblée Générale des Nations Unies, "Les droits à l'eau et à l'assainissement comme outil de paix, de prévention et de coopération" [↓].