
Groupe d'amis pour l'eau et la paix

The Group of Friends on Water and Peace (GoFW&P) serves as an open and informal platform, providing representatives from interested countries with a space for dialogue, outreach, engagement, and dissemination among the broader international community on topics related to water and peace. The GoFW&P was established in 2016 at the recommendation of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace. The Geneva Water Hub acts as the Secretariat of the GoFW&P. Membership in the Group of Friends on Water and Peace is open-ended, welcoming all Permanent Missions to the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG). If you are interested in joining, please use the Contact form to inform us of your interest.
UN Palais GVA
UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferre


The GoFW&P aims to meet 2-3 times a year in Geneva, focusing on a specific topic chosen by the chairs and the Secretariat for each meeting.

Membership in the GoFW&P is open-ended, welcoming all Permanent Missions to the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG).

Le GdF&P est présidé par l'un de ses participants. Depuis 2020, la présidence est assurée par la République de Slovénie. Le GdF&P peut avoir jusqu'à trois coprésidents. Actuellement, les coprésidents sont la Suisse, le Costa Rica et le Sénégal.

The working languages of the GoFW&P are English and French. While we have offered simultaneous translation at prior meetings, we cannot always guarantee that meetings will include simultaneous translation.

03.07.2024 - 19th Meeting of the GoFW&P

Introducing the Global Alliance to Spare Water from Armed Conflicts


16.10.2023 - 18th Meeting of the GoFW&P

Women, Water, Peace: the role of women in water diplomacy


30.11.2022 - 17th Meeting of the GoFW&P

Water and Peace and its link with the UN 2023 Water Conference


21.02.2022 - 16th Meeting of the GoFW&P

9th World Water Forum, Dakar, Senegal


16.11.2021 - 15th Meeting of the GoFW&P

Transboundary Groundwater – a catalyst for cooperation?


15.07.2021 - 14th Meeting of the GoFW&P

Advancement of water data for peace and cooperation


03.02.2021 - 13th Meeting of the GoFW&P

26.06.2020 - 12th Meeting of the GoFW&P

27.02.2020 - 11th Meeting of the GoFW&P

03.10.2019 - 10th Meeting of the GoFW&P

29.05.2019 - 9th Meeting of the GoFW&P

19.10.2018 - 8th Meeting of the GoFW&P

03.05.2018 - 7th Meeting of the GoFW&P

06.07.2017 - 6th Meeting of the GoFW&P

23.02.2017 - 5th Meeting of the GoFW&P

21.11.2016 - 4th Meeting of the GoFW&P

07.09.2016 - 3rd Meeting of the GoFW&P

04.06.2016 - 2nd Meeting of the GoFW&P

26.05.2016 - 1st Meeting of the GoFW&P

14.04.2016 - Launch of the GoFW&P

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