46th Sanremo Round Table on Current Issues of IHL - Strengthening IHL compliance
The International Institute of Humanitarian Law and the International Committee of the Red Cross are pleased to invite you to join the 46th Sanremo Round Table on: "Strengthening IHL compliance: the conduct of hostilities, the protection of essential services and humanitarian assistance in contemporary armed conflict”.
The Round Table, with the participation of renowned international experts and practitioners, will investigate some of the most challenging and crucial aspects of contemporary armed conflicts, with the aim of clarifying their impact on the respect of IHL and Human Rights and the delivery of humanitarian assistance. This year’s Round Table will be held in a hybrid format, with sessions allowing for remote participation broadcasted live from Villa Ormond, Sanremo (Italy). Information regarding agenda, speakers, registration, and logistics will be made available on the Institute’s website at this link: https://iihl.org/46th-sanremo-round-table as soon as the programme will be finalised.
Our Director General, Prof Mark Zeitoun, will be part of the panel of the first "Scene setter" session entiltled "Panel discussion on the most urgent challenges posed to the application of IHL provisions to protect essential services and humanitarian assistance in contemporary conflicts".
The full agenda is available below. More information here.