9th World Water Forum - High Level Panel - Global Observatory for Water and Peace and its regional partner the Pole Eau Dakar
The High-Level Panel on the Global Observatory for Water and Peace (GOWP) will facilitate dialogue between politicians, diplomats, actors from the water as well as from the peace and security sector, will launch the first report of the Global Observatory for Water and Peace and will present the Pole Eau Dakar - the West-African regional partner to the GOWP.
The GOWP and its annual analytic report is a direct implementation of the recommendations of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace made in its report “A Matter of Survival”. The session intends to bring together for the first-time actors from the four High-Level panels on water to discuss how the report of the GOWP can further their respective action and strengthen synergies of vision. It intends to further stakeholders’ engagement by engaging as well at the regional level with the partners of the Pole Eau Dakar, which will follow up on the recommendations of the 9th World Water Forum.
The high-level concept note is available below.
The event flyer is available below.