Blue Peace Talk - Financial Innovation for Water Cooperation - 8th World Water Forum, Brasília
The development of sustainable financial mechanisms specifically aimed at promoting water as an instrument of peace is necessary to foster further transboundary water cooperation. The discussion among experts shall touch upon the available conventional financing mechanisms of transboundary water management and their drawbacks, illustrated by concrete examples as well as additional incentives needed for such projects to be sustainable. In particular, the feasibility and challenges of introducing financial innovation practices to support water cooperation, including creating a Blue Fund, as recommended by the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace, can be critically reflected upon.
Moderator: Christian Bréthaut, Assistant Professor in Water Governance, University of Geneva
- Ababacar Ndao, Secretary General, OMVG (Organisation de la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Gambie)
- Benjamin Pohl, Senior Project Manager, adelphi
- Rukan Manaz, Programme Manager, SDC
- James Dalton, Coordinator Global Water Initiatives – IUCN Global Water Programme