
The Geneva Water Hub contributes to IOM's "Migration, Environment and Climate Change Policy Brief" Series

23.05.2018 Shaping Law and Policy
The Geneva Water Hub contributed to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) “Migration, Environment and Climate Change Policy Brief Series”. Eva Mach (IOM, Migration, Environment and Climate Change Division) and Mara Tignino (Geneva Water Hub, Platform for International Water Law Coordinator) co-authored a Policy Brief on « Migration and Water Governance ».

The Policy Brief recommends that policymakers should consider the two main directions by which migration and water interrelate:

  1. environmental migration driven by water insecurity; and
  2. increasing pressure on water resources due to migration.

States should integrate migration in water governance frameworks and reciprocally water management issues in migration governance frameworks.

You can download the Policy Brief below, and access other editions of the Series at