“Leaving no one behind“ main theme of the OAS celebration of the 2019 World Water Day
In the presence of its 34 member states, and in a joint meeting of its Permanent Council and Inter-American Council for Integral Development, the Organizazion of American States organised celebrations of the 2019 World Water Day which the Geneva Water Hub attended.
Under the main theme of this year, "Leaving no one behind", the Secretary General of the organization underlined the important role of OAS in fulfilling the human right to water and sanitation, and the pertinent actions that must be taken in harmony with the compliance of the Sustainable Development Goal 6, which explicitly refers to guaranteeing water for all by the year 2030.
This session was attended by Mr. Danilo Türk, Ex-President of Slovenia and Lead political advisor for the Geneva Water Hub, and Mr. François Münger, General Director of the Geneva Water Hub.
View full press release below.