MOOC on Water Cooperation and Diplomacy in preparation
It will be composed of five modules and will include a variety of training material i.e. lectures, interviews, maps, case studies, exercises and role plays.
This MOOC is a flagship activity within the framework of the Universities’ Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (UPWCD). It is the product of the coordinated efforts of the University of Geneva, IHE-Delft with the valuable contributions of UPWCD partners such as the Deutsch-Kasachische Universität (DKU), Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (ITT), Oregon State University (OSU), International Water Management Institute (IWMI), The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as well as a number of eminent water diplomacy experts from around the world.
The MOOC enhances scientific knowledge and capacities in water cooperation and diplomacy; it also contributes to the public debate and discourses on shared waters by connecting professionals, students, decision and policy makers as well as academics from around the world and offering them opportunities to exchanges views, experiences and knowledge.
Following this MOOC, you will gain capacity to:
- Understand of key concepts of water diplomacy
- Critically assess, use and, refer to, various legal and institutional tools applicable to the governance of shared water.
- Explain and discuss theories, concepts and tools of conflict management and transboundary water governance.
- Analyze and asses cooperation processes for the transformation of conflictive or potentially conflictive situations.
- Apply scientific and practical tools for water diplomacy.
Check out a few pictures of our speakers below.