UNECE MoP 9 Side Event - Women, Water and Peace
The side event aims to highlight the value of female empowerment for promoting transboundary water cooperation. The event will engage female and male representatives of governments as well as regional and international organizations. Upon registration only at https://bit.ly/3rGFW8q.
The Geneva Water Hub and the Global Water Partnership (GWP-Med) are co-organising this virtual side-event entitled "Women, Water and Peace", in the framework of the 9th Meeting of the Parties (MoP) to the UNECE Convention and in relation to the MoPs theme on Transboundary water cooperation and gender equality.
The side event aims to highlight the value of female empowerment for promoting transboundary water cooperation. The event will engage female and male representatives of governments as well as regional and international organisations, and has the fourfold objective to: 1. Set the scene for the role of women in transboundary water cooperation and preventive diplomacy; 2. Share the hands-on experiences of senior diplomats; 3. Reflect on obstacles to women empowerment in transboundary water settings through interaction with the event͛s participants and real-time feedback; 4. Receive reflections from prominent panelists on the results of the interactive exercise and on the role of women in transboundary water settings more generally.
The flyer is available below.
The agenda is available below.