
Universities Partnership for water cooperation and diplomacy launch

24.01.2018 Building Peace
12h15-14h00 Morosani Posthotel, Davos-Kloster

High-level luncheon in attendance of President Danilo Türk, former president of the Republic of Slovenia, Chair of the Global high-level panel on water and peace.


Water resources which cross boundaries – be they economic sectors, legal or political jurisdictions, cultural divides, or international borders – set the stage for disputes between users trying to safeguard access to a vital resource, while protecting the natural environment. Without strategies to anticipate, address, and mediate between competing users, intractable water conflicts are likely to become more frequent, more intense, and more disruptive in the decades to come. Representatives of four universities are launching a new initiative to coordinate research, education, and capacity-building amongst universities worldwide in support of dialogue along the world's shared waterways.

The full agenda is available below: