Grant 3
Science Policy Incubator Grant on Water Diplomacy
The Geneva Water Hub's Science Policy Incubator Grant, launched in 2024 with a focus on water diplomacy, aims to bridge the gap between scientific research in the social sciences and policymaking.-
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Short article
Policy Briefs
The policy brief format allows us to provide concise summaries on issues related to water for peace to decision-makers. These short articles are aimed not only at government policy makers but also private policy makers and all those interested in formulating or influencing policy.-
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Left, Right and Centre – Water Research Insight Series
Left, Right and Centre is a water research insight series that brings together a wide range of ontological and epistemological perspectives on the politics and governance of shared waters. Depending on the specific topic, these short, policy-oriented articles may synthesize research findings, define Geneva Water Hub ‘positioning’ on contemporary issues, present new analyses, or provide specific policy recommendations.-
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Geneva Water ful
Transboundary water management – policy tools from around the world
The Geneva Water Hub, in collaboration with the Canton of Geneva's Water Office, studied the Greater Geneva region as a 'living lab' to explore the practical challenges and opportunities of transboundary water management between Switzerland and France.-
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Universities Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy
Universities Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy
The Universities Partnership for Water Cooperation and Diplomacy (UPWCD) is a platform that brings together research and teaching competences from various institutions to enhance scientific knowledge, contribute to public discourse, and introduce rigorous science into water cooperation and diplomacy dialogues and processes. -
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