Water Talks Series n°1 - Dr. Jeremy Allouche

The Geneva Water Hub – Education & Knowledge component – is proud to present the 1st edition of the « Water Talk Series ». This series is an open-speech opportunity for researchers to expose and explain their ideas, their stances on contemporary challenges linked to water governance. The presentations, in English or in French, will be short and impactful.
Jeremy Allouche has 14 years of experience in managing and designing projects in the fields of water governance, security and development, and international political economy analysis. He previously worked at the University of Oxford, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), ETH Lausanne, the Swiss Graduate Institute of Public administration, and at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. He has been in charge of international research projects and therefore has experience of managing large research and policy consortia. His work has mainly focused on global political analysis and is now leading a number of projects on West Africa and the Horn of Africa.
This event included another open-speach by Prof Joyeeta Gupta, see here.