
The Geneva Water Hub MOOC offer

Education & Training Course
The Geneva Water Hub is proud to co-organize three massive open online courses (MOOCs) now available on the Coursera platform.

The Geneva Water Hub is proud to co-organize three massive open online courses (MOOCs) now available on the Coursera platform. These courses are funded by the Global Programme Water of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The 1st one chronologically on “Water Resources Management and Policy” was launched on 4 January 2016 and is available in French, as well as with English or Russian subtitles. The English subtitled trailer is available below.


The 2nd one on “Ecosystem Services: A Method for Sustainable Development” is available only in English since 3 February 2017. The trailer is available below.


The 3rd one on “International Water Law” is available only in French since 23 May 2017. The trailer is available below.