
Legal Research

The Geneva Water Hub's legal research spans various domains, including International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Law, International Environmental Law, and International Water Law.

Legal research underpins many of Geneva Water Hub's activities. Our research spans various domains, encompassing International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights Law, International Environmental Law, and International Water Law. Within these domains, our area of focus includes the protection of water during armed conflicts, the human rights to water and sanitation, protection of the environment and transboundary water resources governance.  

Some recent academic publications include:     

  • Boisson de Chazournes, Laurence, and Mara Tignino. (2024). "Droit international et eau douce." Juris-Classeur Environnement et Développement Durable, LexisNexis, Paris. [↓]

  • Tignino, Mara. (2024). "The protection of water in armed conflicts: legal challenges and developments," in Rivista della Giustizia Militare, Special Edition on International Humanitarian Law, pp. 61-70, Rome. [↓]

To access additional research, navigate to the Academic Publications tab below.

Platform for International Water Law
The Platform for International Water Law, relying on academic research and expert work, provides a forum for stakeholders to discuss and debate topical issues in international water law.-
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Academic Publications
Academic Publications
Legal experts from the Geneva Water Hub are regularly solicited to provide inputs to legal and policy documents.  -
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