L'armement de l'eau dans les conflits armés contemporains : Mark Zeitoun interviewé par l'Académie de Genève
Le dernier épisode du podcast In and Around War(s) ayant pour thème "The Weaponizing of Water in Contemporary Armed Conflicts" (L'armement de l'eau dans les conflits armés contemporains) a été publié. Suite aux discussions qui ont eu lieu lors du récent IHL Talk sur le même sujet, les invités sont Mark Zeitoun, directeur général, Geneva Water Hub, et professeur de diplomatie de l'eau, Geneva Graduate Institute, et Abby Zeith, conseiller juridique, unité armes et conduite des hostilités, division juridique, Comité international de la Croix-Rouge.
Subjects covered in the episode include role of expert engineers in decision processes related to the targeting of water during hostilities, the historical and contemporary use of water as a weapon, and the need for more research around these topics. The guests were also able to frame the issues in the context of their current roles and give some examples of positive developments in the legal work that is going into preventing the use of water as a weapon.
Dr Eugenie Duss, researcher at the Geneva Academy and host of the episode explained, ‘The opportunity to continue the discussions of our IHL Talks in these podcasts is extremely valuable. Not only does it create a concise record of the event, but also gives us the chance to further explore interesting points in more depth.’"
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